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Dear God, thank you for the gift of scripture. Help us to grow in our relationship with you as we read your holy words. Amen
I rise early, before the sun is up; I cry out for help and put my hope in Your words.
Psalm 119:147 NLT
Politics / President Trump to deliver Sta...
Last post by Rhonda - Mar 04, 2025, 01:02 PM
It begins at 9 ET, 8 CST.  Every network will carry it, but if you want to watch it without censoring or commentary, I recommend logging on to Rumble, YouTube, etc., and watching it through Right Side Broadcasting (RSBN).  They're awesome.


Recipes / Re: Pralines (not "Pray-leens"...
Last post by Val - Mar 04, 2025, 08:26 AM
Oh man they are good, I gauuurenteee!
Jokes and Other Funny Stuff / Re: I don't care, this is FUNN...
Last post by Val - Mar 04, 2025, 08:25 AM
What makes this so good is we all know churches like this. 

I believe they will be dispersed into the Harvest field.
Recipes / Pralines (not "Pray-leens".......
Last post by Rhonda - Mar 03, 2025, 07:43 PM


2 c. pecans
 2 c. sweetened shredded coconut 1 1/2 c. granulated sugar
 1 c. brown sugar
 1/2 c. evaporated milk
 1/2 c. light corn syrup
 1/2 c. or one stick unsalted butter 1 teas. vanilla extract
 1/2 teas. salt


In a large saucepot, combine the granulated sugar, brown sugar evaporated milk, corn syrup, and unsalted butter. Heat over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until mixture is thoroughly combined and has achieved a uniform consistency.

Allow mixture to reach a boil and maintain it for 4 minutes, while stirring. Remove from burner and immediately add vanilla and salt, mixing well.

Gradually add shredded coconut and pecans to the mixture. Mix well, stirring for at least an additional 3 minutes. The mixture will begin to cool and thicken. Once it is thick enough, drop onto surface covered with wax paper.

Allow to cool to room temperature.

NOTE: It is better to boil slightly longer and to stir slightly longer than not long enough, as the pralines will not harden properly if it has not been long enough.
Jokes and Other Funny Stuff / I don't care, this is FUNNY!
Last post by Rhonda - Mar 03, 2025, 06:40 PM
(This is actually like 12 years old, but still hits.)  :band:

Jokes and Other Funny Stuff / Raising Your Hands - Tim Hawki...
Last post by Rhonda - Mar 03, 2025, 06:37 PM
Val's Blogs / Re: ARE WE NEARING THE END OF ...
Last post by Val - Mar 03, 2025, 10:00 AM
This is a little clip from a recent JD Farag prophecy update.

He is referring to signs being more frequent as we drive and are getting closer to our destination.

And so too is this true with Bible prophecy. The closer we get to our final destination the more frequent are the signs. Well, why? Because God makes it very clear in no uncertain terms that He doesn't want us to be ignorant. He wants us to be ready. It's been said that Bible prophecy is history in advance, which it is. And it's also why God warns us in advance about what's going to happen, in advance, at the time of the end. What will the signs be the closer you get?
John 13:19, Jesus speaking, "I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe that I am He." Some of your translations render it better. "You will know that I am the Great I Am
Last post by Val - Mar 02, 2025, 08:57 PM
  It is widely held that there will be a total of 7 thousand years until the end of the millennium. Since God created everything in six days and then the Sabbath day rest. 
  To break this down a little more, from Adam until Abraham was 2000 years. From Abraham to Jesus was 2000 years. And from Jesus until the end of the church age is 2000 years. A 7 year gap, (tribulation), to finish the 490 years for Israel from Daniel 9:24-27. Then the millennial reign of Jesus on Earth.
  So, I would just like to point out, it has been very close to 2000 years since the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. 

  I will continue this later, unless...