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Me Too!!!!!!
A Place to talk about it. / Fall Like Rain
Last post by Misti - Feb 25, 2025, 09:57 AM
Good morning I am still looking too  :cfpp: 
Still looking. :pout:
Val's Blogs / Re: Let's get good Sermons
Last post by Val - Feb 25, 2025, 08:48 AM
This was a blog to get us to think. God does not put us in situations without provision. It may be a little boys lunch but we must start with that and He gives the increase. God has supplied throughout our personal journey and He supplies through our corporate church journey. Our problem is we let our personal taste restrict our view. I bet many in the crowd of Hungry people didn't even like fish. 
 What was their attitude, Gee thanks God, but I really wanted steak.
 We must learn to be thankful and just go with what He provided. 
 When Jesus told the disciples to get in the boat and head out across the water. What if the disciples had not got in the boat and headed out because there was a big storm brewing and you'd be crazy to get out on that water in this small boat. They would have missed out on Jesus walking on the water to rescue them.
 I believe the "church" should learn to trust God.  
  When a Rabbi called you to follow Him, He was now responsible for you. He took care of you and your needs. Your problems were now His problems. So in a way when he called Peter and they caught this huge amount of fish, it was a way of demonstrating that He could provide. 
Trust Me, follow Me. 
Jesus was Not looking for leaders He was looking for followers.
He says it to us every morning when His mercy is new.
Do you Trust Me?
Val's Blogs / Let's get good Sermons
Last post by Val - Feb 23, 2025, 04:08 PM
Replace Sermon with a better Speaker from internet.

  I've been thinking that we should get some really great Sermons preached from a large church that has really great recording engineers. You know the ones, the very practiced communicators that have voice inflections and pauses at all the right spots. They are able to carry the audience along like watching a good movie. Moving the congregation through, a well thought out, and executed dialogue pulling emotions out of you, maybe some laughing and a few tears throughout the well crafted journey. We, of course, would pick our sermon from beautiful sounding speakers with a tone and resonance that is rarely enjoyed in a small church.
  This may sound like a bad idea to the pastor but come on, with the abundance of choices out there why should we put ourselves through experiences that are less than awesome?
  Lots of churches have already gone to canned worship music cuz It is awesome, the layered vocals and pitch correction.
Guitars and keyboards doing little nuanced fills multiple drummers the song is incredibly performed, singers everywhere all with big fat voices that hang off both sides of a note. You can just sit there and enjoy the Big Performers in your own little church what a rush, if your not moved emotionally you're probably deaf or already dead.
  So why should we limit the Big awesome experience to worship, church could be so much Bigger and Better if we just go for it.  Why should we settle for what God has put on our table, reach across the aisle and grab some Steak and potatoes.
  Don't be a negative Nancy on this incredible idea.
  When it works we can all go out and get our teeth whitened, and smile alot.
  If this made you think. Good..
Politics / This is a shocker!
Last post by Rhonda - Feb 21, 2025, 06:20 PM
I never thought I'd post a Tom McDonald video on a Christian forum!

A Place to talk about it. / Re: Goodness Of God
Last post by Val - Feb 20, 2025, 11:58 AM
A Place to talk about it. / Goodness Of God
Last post by Rhonda - Feb 20, 2025, 08:01 AM
A Place to talk about it. / Eight things to NOT do in a wo...
Last post by Val - Feb 18, 2025, 11:16 AM