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Started by Val, Feb 12, 2025, 09:06 AM

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   Let's look at the first thing that came under attack on this Earth. It was the word of God, wasn't it?

Gen 3:1 ISV
1Now the Shining One*, was more clever than any animal of the field that the LORD God had made. He asked the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You are not to eat from any tree of the garden'?"
2"We may eat from the trees of the garden," the woman answered the Shining One, 3"but as for the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You are not to eat from it, nor are you to touch it, or you will die.'"
4"You certainly will not die!" the Shining One told the woman. 5"Even God knows that on the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you'll become like God, knowing good and evil."

*3:1 Or the Diviner; the Heb. word ha-Nachash connotes one who falsely claims to reveal God's word; or the Serpent; cf. Isa 14:12; Eze 28:13-14

    It always seemed odd to me that Eve was listening to a plain old snake it turns out the being she was talking to was more angelic in appearance than the normal english translation picture that is painted for us. So this beings countenance would already give him an air of importance which makes the scene easier to understand why she suddenly doubted. This being shows up with an air of authority which causes her to listen and eventually doubt.
    The shining one has never stopped casting doubt upon God's word. That is his continuous attack. He is doing it today. He attacks or challenges the very simple and understandable meaning of God's word.
No matter where you go, there you are.