Favorite scriptures

Started by Val, Feb 15, 2025, 09:49 PM

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Titus 3:4-7 isv

4 In grace our Savior God appeared,
to make his love for mankind clear.
5 'Twas not for deeds that we had done,
but by his steadfast love alone,
he saved us through a second birth,
renewed us by the Spirit's work,
6 and poured him out upon us, too,
through Jesus Christ our Savior true.
7 And so, made heirs by his own grace,
eternal life we now embrace.
No matter where you go, there you are.


"He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given."
19:17 NKJV


I rise early, before the sun is up; I cry out for help and put my hope in Your words.
Psalm 119:147 NLT

Good morning everyone 


Revelation 4:8 (ESV):  8 And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say,
  "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty,
who was and is and is to come!"

Often I will pray this over and over when I'm not sure what to say. When I just want to be with Him and honor Him and draw near. Because I know that the very closest creatures to Him are saying this. I guess I'm just trying to join in to an awesome choir that is close to God because that's where I want to be.
I'll think about the words and what they mean. First and most important is that He is Holy and as you draw near you may discover unconfessed sin and a lack of repentance on your part. So you go to, 1 John 1:9 and make things right. 
I'll think about how He was, and is, and is to come. What does that mean. To me, it tells me He is outside of time and able to access and change everything along that timeline and all timelines of every person that ever lived.
I guess that gives rise in me to want to study prophecy because if He said it, it will absolutely come to pass and right when it should. It lets me know that we are not out of control, careening down this road we call future.  We are right on schedule and everything happens at the appointed time.
I can take comfort in knowing my future is in Heaven.
No matter where you go, there you are.