A Dream I Still Think About

Started by Rhonda, Feb 10, 2025, 03:17 PM

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This was several years ago, and it seems as if it was right after Biden became "resident".  (As far as I'm concerned that's all he ever was.)


I was walking around a construction area.  There was a temporary fence up, to hide what was behind it (like you sometimes see at amusements parks when a new roller coaster, etc., is coming).  No one seemed concerned that I was walking around.  I was ignored.

I saw a knothole in the wooden fence and leaned down to peer through it.  I was stunned to see Washington, D.C. and to realize that our nation's capitol was actually just a diorama.  It was meant to look real, but it wasn't.  There were thousands of tiny black creatures, like ants scurrying around, enjoying "their" capitol.  As I looked closer, I saw that they were people.

Suddenly, the "people" began looking toward me and pointing and screaming.  I thought they were looking at me, but as a huge shadow passed over me from behind, I looked up and thousands of huge red balloons came silently over me, heading into the capitol.  They came unexpectedly and they could not be stopped. 

The people began shooting at the balloons, but could hit nothing.  The balloons came closer.  The people finally threw down their guns and began frantically running into each other trying to get away.  The balloons descended down on top of them.  There was no escape.

Who knows?  Maybe in 2025, years later, this dream might make sense.  It does, to me.
Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Luke 21:36